You have searched the English word awning n. which means چھجا chajja English awning n. Meaning چھجا chajja Meanings of awning in Urdu:- چھجا chajja You have searched the English word “awning” which means “چھجا chajja” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find words like […]
You have searched the English word awry a. which means بل دار bal daar English awry a. Meaning بل دار bal daar بیکا biika غلط GHalat منحرف muñHarif تیڑھا TeyRha الٹا ulTa Meanings of awry in Urdu:- بل دار bal daar You have searched the English word “awry” which means “بل دار bal daar” in […]
You have searched the English word axe n. which means کلہاڑی kulHaaRi English axe n. Meaning کلہاڑی kulHaaRi Meanings of axe in Urdu:- کلہاڑی kulHaaRi You have searched the English word “axe” which means “کلہاڑی kulHaaRi” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find words like […]
You have searched the English word axial a. which means محوری meHwari English axial a. Meaning محوری meHwari Meanings of axial in Urdu:- محوری meHwari You have searched the English word “axial” which means “محوری meHwari” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find words like […]
You have searched the English word axiom n. which means فرضیہ farziyah English axiom n. Meaning فرضیہ farziyah Meanings of axiom in Urdu:- فرضیہ farziyah You have searched the English word “axiom” which means “فرضیہ farziyah” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find words like […]
You have searched the English word axis n. which means دھرا dhura English axis n. Meaning دھرا dhura محور meHwar Meanings of axis in Urdu:- دھرا dhura You have searched the English word “axis” which means “دھرا dhura” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find […]
You have searched the English word axle n. which means دھرا dhura English axle n. Meaning دھرا dhura محور meHwar Meanings of axle in Urdu:- دھرا dhura You have searched the English word “axle” which means “دھرا dhura” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find […]
You have searched the English word ay adv. which means ہںں haañ English ay adv. Meaning ہںں haañ Meanings of ay in Urdu:- ہںں haañ You have searched the English word “ay” which means “ہںں haañ” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find words like […]
You have searched the English word aye adv. which means ضرور zaruur English aye adv. Meaning ضرور zaruur ہمیشہ hameySHah Meanings of aye in Urdu:- ضرور zaruur You have searched the English word “aye” which means “ضرور zaruur” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find […]
You have searched the English word azure a. which means آسمانی aasmaani English azure a. Meaning آسمانی aasmaani لجورد laajward نیلگوں niilguuñ Meanings of azure in Urdu:- آسمانی aasmaani You have searched the English word “azure” which means “آسمانی aasmaani” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You […]
You have searched the English word awhile adv. which means ذرا دیر کے لئے zara deyr key li’ey English awhile adv. Meaning ذرا دیر کے لئے zara deyr key li’ey Meanings of awhile in Urdu:- ذرا دیر کے لئے zara deyr key li’ey You have searched the English word “awhile” which means “ذرا دیر کے […]
You have searched the English word awkward a. which means بے ڈھب bey Dhab English awkward a. Meaning بے ڈھب bey Dhab بھونڈا bhoñDa شرمندہ SHarmiñdah Meanings of awkward in Urdu:- بے ڈھب bey Dhab You have searched the English word “awkward” which means “بے ڈھب bey Dhab” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, […]
You have searched the English word awl n. which means آر aar English awl n. Meaning آر aar Meanings of awl in Urdu:- آر aar You have searched the English word “awl” which means “آر aar” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find words like […]
You have searched the English word away adv. which means علیحدہ âlaaHedah English away adv. Meaning علیحدہ âlaaHedah الگ alag دور duur پرے parey Meanings of away in Urdu:- علیحدہ âlaaHedah You have searched the English word “away” which means “علیحدہ âlaaHedah” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other […]
You have searched the English word awe n. which means داب daab English awe n. Meaning داب daab دبدبہ dab dabah ڈر Dar دھاک dhaak رعب rob ستوت sitwat Meanings of awe in Urdu:- داب daab You have searched the English word “awe” which means “داب daab” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, […]
awe struck
You have searched the English word awe struck a. which means ہیبت haebat English awe struck a. Meaning ہیبت haebat وحشت زدہ waeHSHat zadah Meanings of awe struck in Urdu:- ہیبت haebat You have searched the English word “awe struck” which means “ہیبت haebat” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French […]
You have searched the English word awe n. which means ہیبت haebat English awe n. Meaning ہیبت haebat حیرت Haerat خوف KHauf سلبت salaabat Meanings of awe in Urdu:- ہیبت haebat You have searched the English word “awe” which means “ہیبت haebat” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other […]
You have searched the English word awesome a. which means پرجلل pur jalaalnaak English awesome a. Meaning پرجلل pur jalaalnaak ہیبت ناک haebat naak Meanings of awesome in Urdu:- پرجلل pur jalaalnaak You have searched the English word “awesome” which means “پرجلل pur jalaalnaak” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French […]
You have searched the English word awful a. which means حیرت کن Haerat kun English awful a. Meaning حیرت کن Haerat kun Meanings of awful in Urdu:- حیرت کن Haerat kun You have searched the English word “awful” which means “حیرت کن Haerat kun” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French […]
You have searched the English word awfulness n. which means جلل jalaal English awfulness n. Meaning جلل jalaal Meanings of awfulness in Urdu:- جلل jalaal You have searched the English word “awfulness” which means “جلل jalaal” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find words like […]
You have searched the English word await v.t. which means انتظار کرنا iñtezaar karna English await v.t. Meaning انتظار کرنا iñtezaar karna Meanings of await in Urdu:- انتظار کرنا iñtezaar karna You have searched the English word “await” which means “انتظار کرنا iñtezaar karna” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French […]
You have searched the English word awake v.t. which means بے دار کرنا bey daar karna English awake v.t. Meaning بے دار کرنا bey daar karna ہوشیار کرنا hoSH yaar karna جگانا jagaana Meanings of awake in Urdu:- بے دار کرنا bey daar karna You have searched the English word “awake” which means “بے دار […]
awake 2
You have searched the English word awake 2 a. which means بے دار bey daar English awake 2 a. Meaning بے دار bey daar ہوشیار hoSH yaar جاگا ہوا jaaga hu’a Meanings of awake 2 in Urdu:- بے دار bey daar You have searched the English word “awake 2” which means “بے دار bey daar” […]
You have searched the English word awaken v.t. which means جگانا jagaana English awaken v.t. Meaning جگانا jagaana خبردار کرنا KHabar daar karna توجہ دلنا tawajjoh dilaana Meanings of awaken in Urdu:- جگانا jagaana You have searched the English word “awaken” which means “جگانا jagaana” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, […]
You have searched the English word awakening n. which means بے داری bey daari English awakening n. Meaning بے داری bey daari Meanings of awakening in Urdu:- بے داری bey daari You have searched the English word “awakening” which means “بے داری bey daari” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French […]
You have searched the English word award v.t. which means دینا deyna English award v.t. Meaning دینا deyna فیصلہ کرنا faeslah karna Meanings of award in Urdu:- دینا deyna You have searched the English word “award” which means “دینا deyna” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You […]
award 2
You have searched the English word award 2 n. which means انعام ênaam English award 2 n. Meaning انعام ênaam فیصلہ faeslah Meanings of award 2 in Urdu:- انعام ênaam You have searched the English word “award 2” which means “انعام ênaam” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other […]
You have searched the English word aware a. which means آگاہ aagaah English aware a. Meaning آگاہ aagaah با خبر baa KHabar با شعور baa SHauur واقف waaqif Meanings of aware in Urdu:- آگاہ aagaah You have searched the English word “aware” which means “آگاہ aagaah” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, […]
You have searched the English word awareness n. which means خبر KHabar English awareness n. Meaning خبر KHabar واقفیت waaqfiyat Meanings of awareness in Urdu:- خبر KHabar You have searched the English word “awareness” which means “خبر KHabar” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find […]
You have searched the English word avuncular a. which means چچا زاد chach zaad English avuncular a. Meaning چچا زاد chach zaad ماموں زاد maamuuñ zaad Meanings of avuncular in Urdu:- چچا زاد chach zaad You have searched the English word “avuncular” which means “چچا زاد chach zaad” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, […]
You have searched the English word avital a. which means آبائ aabaa’i English avital a. Meaning آبائ aabaa’i جدی jaddi Meanings of avital in Urdu:- آبائ aabaa’i You have searched the English word “avital” which means “آبائ aabaa’i” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find […]
You have searched the English word avocation n. which means مشغلہ maSHGHalah English avocation n. Meaning مشغلہ maSHGHalah Meanings of avocation in Urdu:- مشغلہ maSHGHalah You have searched the English word “avocation” which means “مشغلہ maSHGHalah” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find words like […]
You have searched the English word avoid v.t. which means جان بچانا jaan bachaana English avoid v.t. Meaning جان بچانا jaan bachaana کننی کاٹنا kañni kaaTna کترانا katraana کھچنا khichna نظر چرانا nazar churaana پہلو تہی کرنا paehlu tihi karna پناہ مانگنا panaah maañgna Meanings of avoid in Urdu:- جان بچانا jaan bachaana You have […]
avoid 2
You have searched the English word avoid 2 v.i. which means ہٹ جانا haT jaana English avoid 2 v.i. Meaning ہٹ جانا haT jaana Meanings of avoid 2 in Urdu:- ہٹ جانا haT jaana You have searched the English word “avoid 2” which means “ہٹ جانا haT jaana” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, […]
You have searched the English word avoidance n. which means پرہیز parheyz English avoidance n. Meaning پرہیز parheyz Meanings of avoidance in Urdu:- پرہیز parheyz You have searched the English word “avoidance” which means “پرہیز parheyz” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find words like […]
You have searched the English word avouch v.t. which means تصدیق کرنا tasdiiq karna English avouch v.t. Meaning تصدیق کرنا tasdiiq karna ضمانت دینا zamaanat deyna Meanings of avouch in Urdu:- تصدیق کرنا tasdiiq karna You have searched the English word “avouch” which means “تصدیق کرنا tasdiiq karna” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, […]
You have searched the English word avow v.t. which means اعلن کرنا elaan karna English avow v.t. Meaning اعلن کرنا elaan karna تصدیق کرنا tasdiiq karna تسلیم کرناtasliim karna Meanings of avow in Urdu:- اعلن کرنا elaan karna You have searched the English word “avow” which means “اعلن کرنا elaan karna” in Urdu and multiple […]
You have searched the English word avowal n. which means قبول qubuul English avowal n. Meaning قبول qubuul مشہور maSH huur Meanings of avowal in Urdu:- قبول qubuul You have searched the English word “avowal” which means “قبول qubuul” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You […]
You have searched the English word avowed n. which means قبول شدہ qubuul SHudah English avowed n. Meaning قبول شدہ qubuul SHudah Meanings of avowed in Urdu:- قبول شدہ qubuul SHudah You have searched the English word “avowed” which means “قبول شدہ qubuul SHudah” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French […]
You have searched the English word avulse v.t. which means نوچنا nochna English avulse v.t. Meaning نوچنا nochna Meanings of avulse in Urdu:- نوچنا nochna You have searched the English word “avulse” which means “نوچنا nochna” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find words like […]
You have searched the English word averse a. which means غیر مشتاق GHaer muSHtaaq English averse a. Meaning غیر مشتاق GHaer muSHtaaq ناطلب na talab نافر naafir Meanings of averse in Urdu:- غیر مشتاق GHaer muSHtaaq You have searched the English word “averse” which means “غیر مشتاق GHaer muSHtaaq” in Urdu and multiple languages like […]
You have searched the English word aversion n. which means کراہت karaahat English aversion n. Meaning کراہت karaahat نارغبتی naa raGHbati Meanings of aversion in Urdu:- کراہت karaahat You have searched the English word “aversion” which means “کراہت karaahat” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can […]
You have searched the English word avert v.t. which means باز رکھنا baaz rakhna English avert v.t. Meaning باز رکھنا baaz rakhna دفع کرنا dafa karna روکنا rokna ٹوکنا Tokna Meanings of avert in Urdu:- باز رکھنا baaz rakhna You have searched the English word “avert” which means “باز رکھنا baaz rakhna” in Urdu and […]
You have searched the English word aviation n. which means ہوا بازی hawa baazi English aviation n. Meaning ہوا بازی hawa baazi Meanings of aviation in Urdu:- ہوا بازی hawa baazi You have searched the English word “aviation” which means “ہوا بازی hawa baazi” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French […]
You have searched the English word avid a. which means حریص Hariis English avid a. Meaning حریص Hariis مشتاق muSHtaaq Meanings of avid in Urdu:- حریص Hariis You have searched the English word “avid” which means “حریص Hariis” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find […]
You have searched the English word avenge v.t. which means انتقام لینا iñteqaam leyna English avenge v.t. Meaning انتقام لینا iñteqaam leyna Meanings of avenge in Urdu:- انتقام لینا iñteqaam leyna You have searched the English word “avenge” which means “انتقام لینا iñteqaam leyna” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French […]
You have searched the English word avenger n. which means انتقام لینے وال iñteqaam leyney waala English avenger n. Meaning انتقام لینے وال iñteqaam leyney waala Meanings of avenger in Urdu:- انتقام لینے وال iñteqaam leyney waala You have searched the English word “avenger” which means “انتقام لینے وال iñteqaam leyney waala” in Urdu and […]
You have searched the English word avenue n. which means خیابان KHayaabaan English avenue n. Meaning خیابان KHayaabaan رستہ rastah Meanings of avenue in Urdu:- خیابان KHayaabaan You have searched the English word “avenue” which means “خیابان KHayaabaan” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find […]
You have searched the English word aver v.t. which means تصدیق کرنا tasdiiq karna English aver v.t. Meaning تصدیق کرنا tasdiiq karna Meanings of aver in Urdu:- تصدیق کرنا tasdiiq karna You have searched the English word “aver” which means “تصدیق کرنا tasdiiq karna” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French […]
You have searched the English word average a. which means متوسط mutawassit English average a. Meaning متوسط mutawassit اوسط awsat ٰوسطیwasta Meanings of average in Urdu:- متوسط mutawassit You have searched the English word “average” which means “متوسط mutawassit” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can […]