Category: A

  • avarice



    You have searched the English word avarice n. which means ‫آز‬ aaz English avarice n. Meaning ‫آز‬ aaz ‫حرص‬ Hirs ‫للچ‬ laalach ‫طمع‬ tama Meanings of avarice in Urdu:- ‫آز‬ aaz You have searched the English word “avarice” which means “‫آز‬ aaz” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other…

  • avaricious



    You have searched the English word avaricious a. which means ‫بخیل‬ baKHiil English avaricious a. Meaning ‫بخیل‬ baKHiil ‫حریص‬ Hariis ‫للچی‬ laalchi Meanings of avaricious in Urdu:- ‫بخیل‬ baKHiil You have searched the English word “avaricious” which means “‫بخیل‬ baKHiil” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You…

  • avatar



    You have searched the English word avatar n. which means ‫اوتار‬ autaar English avatar n. Meaning ‫اوتار‬ autaar Meanings of avatar in Urdu:- ‫اوتار‬ autaar You have searched the English word “avatar” which means “‫اوتار‬ autaar” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find words like…

  • autonomy



    You have searched the English word autonomy n. which means ‫آزادی‬ aazaadi English autonomy n. Meaning ‫آزادی‬ aazaadi Meanings of autonomy in Urdu:- ‫آزادی‬ aazaadi You have searched the English word “autonomy” which means “‫آزادی‬ aazaadi” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find words like…

  • automobile



    You have searched the English word automobile n. which means ‫گاڑی‬ gaaRi English automobile n. Meaning ‫گاڑی‬ gaaRi Meanings of automobile in Urdu:- ‫گاڑی‬ gaaRi You have searched the English word “automobile” which means “‫گاڑی‬ gaaRi” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find words like…

  • autumn



    You have searched the English word autumn n. which means ‫خریف‬ KHariif English autumn n. Meaning ‫خریف‬ KHariif ‫خزاں‬ KHezaañ ‫پت جھڑ‬ pat jhaR Meanings of autumn in Urdu:- ‫خریف‬ KHariif You have searched the English word “autumn” which means “‫خریف‬ KHariif” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other…

  • autumnal



    You have searched the English word autumnal a. which means ‫خریفی‬ KHariifi English autumnal a. Meaning ‫خریفی‬ KHariifi Meanings of autumnal in Urdu:- ‫خریفی‬ KHariifi You have searched the English word “autumnal” which means “‫خریفی‬ KHariifi” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find words like…

  • auxiliary



    You have searched the English word auxiliary n. which means ‫مدد گار‬ madad gaar English auxiliary n. Meaning ‫مدد گار‬ madad gaar ‫کمک‬ kumak Meanings of auxiliary in Urdu:- ‫مدد گار‬ madad gaar You have searched the English word “auxiliary” which means “‫مدد گار‬ madad gaar” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi,…

  • available



    You have searched the English word available a. which means ‫دست یاب‬ dast yaab English available a. Meaning ‫دست یاب‬ dast yaab ‫موجود‬ maujuud Meanings of available in Urdu:- ‫دست یاب‬ dast yaab You have searched the English word “available” which means “‫دست یاب‬ dast yaab” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi,…

  • avalanche



    You have searched the English word avalanche n. which means ‫برفانی طوفان‬ barfaani tuufaan English avalanche n. Meaning ‫برفانی طوفان‬ barfaani tuufaan Meanings of avalanche in Urdu:- ‫برفانی طوفان‬ barfaani tuufaan You have searched the English word “avalanche” which means “‫برفانی طوفان‬ barfaani tuufaan” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French…

  • autobiography



    You have searched the English word autobiography n. which means ‫آپ بیتی‬ aap biiti English autobiography n. Meaning ‫آپ بیتی‬ aap biiti ‫ذاتی سوانح عمری‬ zaati sawaaneH ûmri Meanings of autobiography in Urdu:- ‫آپ بیتی‬ aap biiti You have searched the English word “autobiography” which means “‫آپ بیتی‬ aap biiti” in Urdu and multiple languages…

  • autocracy



    You have searched the English word autocracy n. which means ‫مطلق العنانی‬ mutlaq ul ênaani English autocracy n. Meaning ‫مطلق العنانی‬ mutlaq ul ênaani ‫شخصی حکومت‬ SHaKHsi Hukuumat Meanings of autocracy in Urdu:- ‫مطلق العنانی‬ mutlaq ul ênaani You have searched the English word “autocracy” which means “‫مطلق العنانی‬ mutlaq ul ênaani” in Urdu and…

  • autocrat



    You have searched the English word autocrat n. which means ‫آمر‬ aamir English autocrat n. Meaning ‫آمر‬ aamir ‫حاکم مطلق‬ Haakim e mutlaq Meanings of autocrat in Urdu:- ‫آمر‬ aamir You have searched the English word “autocrat” which means “‫آمر‬ aamir” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages.…

  • autograph



    You have searched the English word autograph n. which means ‫دستخط‬ dast KHat English autograph n. Meaning ‫دستخط‬ dast KHat Meanings of autograph in Urdu:- ‫دستخط‬ dast KHat You have searched the English word “autograph” which means “‫دستخط‬ dast KHat” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You…

  • automate



    You have searched the English word automate v.t. which means ‫خود کار کر لینا‬ KHud kaar kar leyna English automate v.t. Meaning ‫خود کار کر لینا‬ KHud kaar kar leyna Meanings of automate in Urdu:- ‫خود کار کر لینا‬ KHud kaar kar leyna You have searched the English word “automate” which means “‫خود کار کر…

  • automatic



    You have searched the English word automatic a. which means ‫خود رو‬ KHud rau English automatic a. Meaning ‫خود رو‬ KHud rau Meanings of automatic in Urdu:- ‫خود رو‬ KHud rau You have searched the English word “automatic” which means “‫خود رو‬ KHud rau” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French…

  • automatically



    You have searched the English word automatically adv. which means ‫خود بخود‬ KHud ba KHud English automatically adv. Meaning ‫خود بخود‬ KHud ba KHud Meanings of automatically in Urdu:- ‫خود بخود‬ KHud ba KHud You have searched the English word “automatically” which means “‫خود بخود‬ KHud ba KHud” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu,…

  • automation



    You have searched the English word automation n. which means ‫خود کاری‬ KHud kaari English automation n. Meaning ‫خود کاری‬ KHud kaari Meanings of automation in Urdu:- ‫خود کاری‬ KHud kaari You have searched the English word “automation” which means “‫خود کاری‬ KHud kaari” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French…

  • autonomous



    You have searched the English word autonomous a. which means ‫آزاد‬ aazaad English autonomous a. Meaning ‫آزاد‬ aazaad ‫خود مختار‬ KHud muKHtaar Meanings of autonomous in Urdu:- ‫آزاد‬ aazaad You have searched the English word “autonomous” which means “‫آزاد‬ aazaad” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You…

  • authoritatively



    You have searched the English word authoritatively adv. which means ‫حاکمانہ‬ Haakimaanah English authoritatively adv. Meaning ‫حاکمانہ‬ Haakimaanah ‫محققانہ‬ muhaqqiqaanah Meanings of authoritatively in Urdu:- ‫حاکمانہ‬ Haakimaanah You have searched the English word “authoritatively” which means “‫حاکمانہ‬ Haakimaanah” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find…

  • authentication



    You have searched the English word authentication n. which means ‫صداقت نامہ‬ sadaaqat naamah English authentication n. Meaning ‫صداقت نامہ‬ sadaaqat naamah Meanings of authentication in Urdu:- ‫صداقت نامہ‬ sadaaqat naamah You have searched the English word “authentication” which means “‫صداقت نامہ‬ sadaaqat naamah” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French…

  • authenticity



    You have searched the English word authenticity n. which means ‫صداقت‬ sadaaqat English authenticity n. Meaning ‫صداقت‬ sadaaqat Meanings of authenticity in Urdu:- ‫صداقت‬ sadaaqat You have searched the English word “authenticity” which means “‫صداقت‬ sadaaqat” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find words like…

  • author



    You have searched the English word author n. which means ‫بانی‬ baani English author n. Meaning ‫بانی‬ baani ‫مؤلف‬ mu’allif ‫مصنف‬ musañnif Meanings of author in Urdu:- ‫بانی‬ baani You have searched the English word “author” which means “‫بانی‬ baani” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You…

  • authorial



    You have searched the English word authorial a. which means ‫مصنفانہ‬ musañnifaanah English authorial a. Meaning ‫مصنفانہ‬ musañnifaanah Meanings of authorial in Urdu:- ‫مصنفانہ‬ musañnifaanah You have searched the English word “authorial” which means “‫مصنفانہ‬ musañnifaanah” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find words like…

  • authorise



    You have searched the English word authorise v.t. which means ‫اختیار دینا‬ eKHteyaar deyna English authorise v.t. Meaning ‫اختیار دینا‬ eKHteyaar deyna Meanings of authorise in Urdu:- ‫اختیار دینا‬ eKHteyaar deyna You have searched the English word “authorise” which means “‫اختیار دینا‬ eKHteyaar deyna” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French…

  • authorised



    You have searched the English word authorised a. which means ‫جائز‬ jaa’ez English authorised a. Meaning ‫جائز‬ jaa’ez ‫مجاز‬ majaaz Meanings of authorised in Urdu:- ‫جائز‬ jaa’ez You have searched the English word “authorised” which means “‫جائز‬ jaa’ez” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find…

  • authoritarian



    You have searched the English word authoritarian a. which means ‫آمرانہ‬ aamiraanah English authoritarian a. Meaning ‫آمرانہ‬ aamiraanah ‫استبدادانہ‬ istebdaadaanah Meanings of authoritarian in Urdu:- ‫آمرانہ‬ aamiraanah You have searched the English word “authoritarian” which means “‫آمرانہ‬ aamiraanah” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find…

  • authoritarianism



    You have searched the English word authoritarianism n. which means ‫آمریت پسندی‬ aamiriyat pasañdi English authoritarianism n. Meaning ‫آمریت پسندی‬ aamiriyat pasañdi ‫اسبدادیت‬ isebdaadiyat Meanings of authoritarianism in Urdu:- ‫آمریت پسندی‬ aamiriyat pasañdi You have searched the English word “authoritarianism” which means “‫آمریت پسندی‬ aamiriyat pasañdi” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi,…

  • authority



    You have searched the English word authority n. which means ‫داب‬ daab English authority n. Meaning ‫داب‬ daab ‫اختیار‬ eKHteyaar ‫ہاتھ‬ haath ‫ہیکڑی‬ heykRi ‫حکومت‬ Hukuumat ‫مجال‬ majaal ‫مجتہد‬ mujtahid ‫قابو‬ qaabu ‫قدرت‬ qudrat ‫زور‬ zor Meanings of authority in Urdu:- ‫داب‬ daab You have searched the English word “authority” which means “‫داب‬ daab” in…

  • authoritative



    You have searched the English word authoritative a. which means ‫حاکمانہ‬ Haakimaanah English authoritative a. Meaning ‫حاکمانہ‬ Haakimaanah Meanings of authoritative in Urdu:- ‫حاکمانہ‬ Haakimaanah You have searched the English word “authoritative” which means “‫حاکمانہ‬ Haakimaanah” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find words like…

  • austere



    You have searched the English word austere a. which means ‫کرخت‬ karaKHt English austere a. Meaning ‫کرخت‬ karaKHt ‫سارم‬ saarim Meanings of austere in Urdu:- ‫کرخت‬ karaKHt You have searched the English word “austere” which means “‫کرخت‬ karaKHt” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find…

  • austerity



    You have searched the English word austerity n. which means ‫بیراگی‬ baeraagi English austerity n. Meaning ‫بیراگی‬ baeraagi ‫سریم‬ sariim Meanings of austerity in Urdu:- ‫بیراگی‬ baeraagi You have searched the English word “austerity” which means “‫بیراگی‬ baeraagi” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find…

  • autarchy



    You have searched the English word autarchy n. which means ‫استبدادیت‬ istebdaadiyat English autarchy n. Meaning ‫استبدادیت‬ istebdaadiyat ‫مطلق العنانی‬ mutlaq ul ênaani Meanings of autarchy in Urdu:- ‫استبدادیت‬ istebdaadiyat You have searched the English word “autarchy” which means “‫استبدادیت‬ istebdaadiyat” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages.…

  • authentic



    You have searched the English word authentic a. which means ‫اصلی‬ asli English authentic a. Meaning ‫اصلی‬ asli ‫جائز‬ jaa’ez ‫مستند‬ mustanad ‫پکا‬ pakka ‫پروان‬ par waan ‫قابل اعتبار‬ qaabil e etebaar Meanings of authentic in Urdu:- ‫اصلی‬ asli You have searched the English word “authentic” which means “‫اصلی‬ asli” in Urdu and multiple languages…

  • authenticated



    You have searched the English word authenticated a. which means ‫مستند‬ mustanad English authenticated a. Meaning ‫مستند‬ mustanad Meanings of authenticated in Urdu:- ‫مستند‬ mustanad You have searched the English word “authenticated” which means “‫مستند‬ mustanad” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find words like…

  • aunt



    You have searched the English word aunt n. which means ‫چچی‬ chachi English aunt n. Meaning ‫چچی‬ chachi ‫خالہ‬ KHaalah ‫ممانی‬ mumaani ‫پھپھی‬ phuphi Meanings of aunt in Urdu:- ‫چچی‬ chachi You have searched the English word “aunt” which means “‫چچی‬ chachi” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other…

  • aura



    You have searched the English word aura n. which means ‫ہالہ‬ haalah English aura n. Meaning ‫ہالہ‬ haalah Meanings of aura in Urdu:- ‫ہالہ‬ haalah You have searched the English word “aura” which means “‫ہالہ‬ haalah” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find words like…

  • aurora



    You have searched the English word aurora n. which means ‫شفق‬ SHafaq English aurora n. Meaning ‫شفق‬ SHafaq Meanings of aurora in Urdu:- ‫شفق‬ SHafaq You have searched the English word “aurora” which means “‫شفق‬ SHafaq” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find words like…

  • auspicious



    You have searched the English word auspicious a. which means ‫فرخ‬ farruKH English auspicious a. Meaning ‫فرخ‬ farruKH ‫مبارک‬ mubaarak ‫ساز گار‬ saaz gaar ‫سعید‬ saiid Meanings of auspicious in Urdu:- ‫فرخ‬ farruKH You have searched the English word “auspicious” which means “‫فرخ‬ farruKH” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French…

  • auspiciousness



    You have searched the English word auspiciousness n. which means ‫برکت‬ barkat English auspiciousness n. Meaning ‫برکت‬ barkat Meanings of auspiciousness in Urdu:- ‫برکت‬ barkat You have searched the English word “auspiciousness” which means “‫برکت‬ barkat” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find words like…

  • audition



    You have searched the English word audition n. which means ‫سامعہ‬ saamiah English audition n. Meaning ‫سامعہ‬ saamiah Meanings of audition in Urdu:- ‫سامعہ‬ saamiah You have searched the English word “audition” which means “‫سامعہ‬ saamiah” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find words like…

  • auditory



    You have searched the English word auditory a. which means ‫سمعی‬ sami English auditory a. Meaning ‫سمعی‬ sami Meanings of auditory in Urdu:- ‫سمعی‬ sami You have searched the English word “auditory” which means “‫سمعی‬ sami” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find words like…

  • augment



    You have searched the English word augment v.t. which means ‫بڑا کرنا‬ baRa karna English augment v.t. Meaning ‫بڑا کرنا‬ baRa karna ‫اضافہ کرنا‬ ezaafah karna ‫پھیلنا‬ phaelaana ‫پھلنا‬ phulaana Meanings of augment in Urdu:- ‫بڑا کرنا‬ baRa karna You have searched the English word “augment” which means “‫بڑا کرنا‬ baRa karna” in Urdu and…

  • augment 2



    You have searched the English word augment 2 n. which means ‫اضافہ‬ ezaafah English augment 2 n. Meaning ‫اضافہ‬ ezaafah Meanings of augment 2 in Urdu:- ‫اضافہ‬ ezaafah You have searched the English word “augment 2” which means “‫اضافہ‬ ezaafah” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You…

  • augmented



    You have searched the English word augmented a. which means ‫مزید‬ maziid English augmented a. Meaning ‫مزید‬ maziid Meanings of augmented in Urdu:- ‫مزید‬ maziid You have searched the English word “augmented” which means “‫مزید‬ maziid” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find words like…

  • augumentation



    You have searched the English word augumentation n. which means ‫افزائش‬ afzaa’iSH English augumentation n. Meaning ‫افزائش‬ afzaa’iSH Meanings of augumentation in Urdu:- ‫افزائش‬ afzaa’iSH You have searched the English word “augumentation” which means “‫افزائش‬ afzaa’iSH” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find words like…

  • augur



    You have searched the English word augur n. which means ‫فال گو‬ faal go English augur n. Meaning ‫فال گو‬ faal go ‫کاہن‬ kaahin ‫نجومی‬ najuumi Meanings of augur in Urdu:- ‫فال گو‬ faal go You have searched the English word “augur” which means “‫فال گو‬ faal go” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu,…

  • augur 2



    You have searched the English word augur 2 v.t. which means ‫فال نکالنا‬ faal nikaalna English augur 2 v.t. Meaning ‫فال نکالنا‬ faal nikaalna ‫پیش گوئ کرنا‬ peySH go’i karna ‫قیاس کرنا‬ qayaas karna Meanings of augur 2 in Urdu:- ‫فال نکالنا‬ faal nikaalna You have searched the English word “augur 2” which means “‫فال…

  • augury



    You have searched the English word augury n. which means ‫فال‬ faal English augury n. Meaning ‫فال‬ faal ‫شگون‬ SHaguun Meanings of augury in Urdu:- ‫فال‬ faal You have searched the English word “augury” which means “‫فال‬ faal” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find…

  • august



    You have searched the English word august a. which means ‫ہمایوںں‬ humaayuñ English august a. Meaning ‫ہمایوںں‬ humaayuñ Meanings of august in Urdu:- ‫ہمایوںں‬ humaayuñ You have searched the English word “august” which means “‫ہمایوںں‬ humaayuñ” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find words like…