Category: D

  • dwelling



    You have searched the English word dwelling n. which means ‫گھر‬ ghar English dwelling n. Meaning ‫گھر‬ ghar ‫کاشانہ‬ kaaSHaanah ‫خانہ‬ KHaanah ‫مقام‬ maqaam ‫مسکن‬ maskan ‫سکونت‬ sukuunat Meanings of dwelling in Urdu:- ‫گھر‬ ghar You have searched the English word “dwelling” which means “‫گھر‬ ghar” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi,…

  • dye



    You have searched the English word dye v.t. which means ‫رنگنا‬ rañgna English dye v.t. Meaning ‫رنگنا‬ rañgna ‫رنگ چڑھانا‬ rañg chaRhaana Meanings of dye in Urdu:- ‫رنگنا‬ rañgna You have searched the English word “dye” which means “‫رنگنا‬ rañgna” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You…

  • dye



    You have searched the English word dye n. which means ‫رنگ‬ rañg English dye n. Meaning ‫رنگ‬ rañg Meanings of dye in Urdu:- ‫رنگ‬ rañg You have searched the English word “dye” which means “‫رنگ‬ rañg” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find words like…

  • dyer



    You have searched the English word dyer n. which means ‫رنگ ریز‬ rañg reyz English dyer n. Meaning ‫رنگ ریز‬ rañg reyz Meanings of dyer in Urdu:- ‫رنگ ریز‬ rañg reyz You have searched the English word “dyer” which means “‫رنگ ریز‬ rañg reyz” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French…

  • dying



    You have searched the English word dying n. which means ‫موت‬ maut English dying n. Meaning ‫موت‬ maut ‫نزع‬ naza Meanings of dying in Urdu:- ‫موت‬ maut You have searched the English word “dying” which means “‫موت‬ maut” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find…

  • dyke



    You have searched the English word dyke n. which means ‫بند‬ bañd English dyke n. Meaning ‫بند‬ bañd ‫خندق‬ KHañdaq ‫مینڈ‬ meyñD Meanings of dyke in Urdu:- ‫بند‬ bañd You have searched the English word “dyke” which means “‫بند‬ bañd” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You…

  • dynamic



    You have searched the English word dynamic a. which means ‫محرک‬ muHarrak English dynamic a. Meaning ‫محرک‬ muHarrak ‫متحرک‬ mutaHarrak Meanings of dynamic in Urdu:- ‫محرک‬ muHarrak You have searched the English word “dynamic” which means “‫محرک‬ muHarrak” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find…

  • dynamism



    You have searched the English word dynamism n. which means ‫قوتیت‬ quuwatiyat English dynamism n. Meaning ‫قوتیت‬ quuwatiyat Meanings of dynamism in Urdu:- ‫قوتیت‬ quuwatiyat You have searched the English word “dynamism” which means “‫قوتیت‬ quuwatiyat” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find words like…

  • dynasty



    You have searched the English word dynasty n. which means ‫گھر‬ ghar English dynasty n. Meaning ‫گھر‬ ghar ‫خاندان‬ KHaan daan Meanings of dynasty in Urdu:- ‫گھر‬ ghar You have searched the English word “dynasty” which means “‫گھر‬ ghar” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can…

  • dysentery



    You have searched the English word dysentery n. which means ‫پیچش‬ peychiSH English dysentery n. Meaning ‫پیچش‬ peychiSH Meanings of dysentery in Urdu:- ‫پیچش‬ peychiSH You have searched the English word “dysentery” which means “‫پیچش‬ peychiSH” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find words like…

  • dwell



    You have searched the English word dwell v.t. which means ‫رہنا‬ raehna English dwell v.t. Meaning ‫رہنا‬ raehna Meanings of dwell in Urdu:- ‫رہنا‬ raehna You have searched the English word “dwell” which means “‫رہنا‬ raehna” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find words like…

  • dweller



    You have searched the English word dweller n. which means ‫باسی‬ baasi English dweller n. Meaning ‫باسی‬ baasi ‫باشندہ‬ baa SHiñdah ‫مکین‬ makiin Meanings of dweller in Urdu:- ‫باسی‬ baasi You have searched the English word “dweller” which means “‫باسی‬ baasi” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages.…

  • dust storm



    You have searched the English word dust storm n. which means ‫آندھی‬ aañdhi English dust storm n. Meaning ‫آندھی‬ aañdhi Meanings of dust storm in Urdu:- ‫آندھی‬ aañdhi You have searched the English word “dust storm” which means “‫آندھی‬ aañdhi” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You…

  • duster



    You have searched the English word duster n. which means ‫جھاڑن‬ jhaaRan English duster n. Meaning ‫جھاڑن‬ jhaaRan ‫صافی‬ saafi Meanings of duster in Urdu:- ‫جھاڑن‬ jhaaRan You have searched the English word “duster” which means “‫جھاڑن‬ jhaaRan” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find…

  • dusty



    You have searched the English word dusty a. which means ‫گرد آلود‬ gard aaluud English dusty a. Meaning ‫گرد آلود‬ gard aaluud ‫غبار آلود‬ GHubaar aaluud ‫خاکی‬ KHaaki Meanings of dusty in Urdu:- ‫گرد آلود‬ gard aaluud You have searched the English word “dusty” which means “‫گرد آلود‬ gard aaluud” in Urdu and multiple languages…

  • duteous



    You have searched the English word duteous a. which means ‫فرمان بردار‬ farmaañ bardaar English duteous a. Meaning ‫فرمان بردار‬ farmaañ bardaar ‫فرض شناس‬ farz SHinaas Meanings of duteous in Urdu:- ‫فرمان بردار‬ farmaañ bardaar You have searched the English word “duteous” which means “‫فرمان بردار‬ farmaañ bardaar” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu,…

  • duties



    You have searched the English word duties n. which means ‫فرائض‬ faraa’ez English duties n. Meaning ‫فرائض‬ faraa’ez ‫مراسم‬ maraasim ‫واجبات‬ waajibaat Meanings of duties in Urdu:- ‫فرائض‬ faraa’ez You have searched the English word “duties” which means “‫فرائض‬ faraa’ez” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You…

  • dutiful



    You have searched the English word dutiful a. which means ‫نیک بخت‬ neyk baKHt English dutiful a. Meaning ‫نیک بخت‬ neyk baKHt ‫سعادت مند‬ saaadat mañd ‫تابع‬ taabe Meanings of dutiful in Urdu:- ‫نیک بخت‬ neyk baKHt You have searched the English word “dutiful” which means “‫نیک بخت‬ neyk baKHt” in Urdu and multiple languages…

  • duty



    You have searched the English word duty n. which means ‫فرض‬ farz English duty n. Meaning ‫فرض‬ farz ‫فریضہ‬ fariizah ‫حاصل‬ Haasil ‫جزیہ‬ jizyah ‫کار‬ kaar ‫کار منصبی‬ kaar e mañsabi ‫خدمت‬ KHidmat ‫محصول‬ maeHsuul ‫عہدہ‬ ôhdah ‫وظیفہ‬ waziifah ‫ذمہ داری‬ zimmah daari Meanings of duty in Urdu:- ‫فرض‬ farz You have searched the English…

  • dwarf



    You have searched the English word dwarf n. which means ‫بالشتیا‬ baaliSHtiya English dwarf n. Meaning ‫بالشتیا‬ baaliSHtiya ‫پودنا‬ podna ‫بونا‬ boona Meanings of dwarf in Urdu:- ‫بالشتیا‬ baaliSHtiya You have searched the English word “dwarf” which means “‫بالشتیا‬ baaliSHtiya” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You…

  • duration



    You have searched the English word duration n. which means ‫عرصہ‬ ârsah English duration n. Meaning ‫عرصہ‬ ârsah ‫فاصلہ‬ faasilah ‫مدت‬ muddat Meanings of duration in Urdu:- ‫عرصہ‬ ârsah You have searched the English word “duration” which means “‫عرصہ‬ ârsah” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You…

  • during



    You have searched the English word during prep. which means ‫اثنا میں‬ asna meyñ English during prep. Meaning ‫اثنا میں‬ asna meyñ ‫دوران میں‬ dauraan . meyñ ‫درمیان‬ darmiyaan Meanings of during in Urdu:- ‫اثنا میں‬ asna meyñ You have searched the English word “during” which means “‫اثنا میں‬ asna meyñ” in Urdu and multiple…

  • duress



    You have searched the English word duress n. which means ‫مجبوری‬ majbuuri English duress n. Meaning ‫مجبوری‬ majbuuri ‫قید‬ qaed Meanings of duress in Urdu:- ‫مجبوری‬ majbuuri You have searched the English word “duress” which means “‫مجبوری‬ majbuuri” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find…

  • dusk



    You have searched the English word dusk n. which means ‫جھٹ پٹا‬ jhuT puTa English dusk n. Meaning ‫جھٹ پٹا‬ jhuT puTa ‫شفق‬ SHafaq Meanings of dusk in Urdu:- ‫جھٹ پٹا‬ jhuT puTa You have searched the English word “dusk” which means “‫جھٹ پٹا‬ jhuT puTa” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi,…

  • dusky



    You have searched the English word dusky a. which means ‫مٹیال‬ maTyaala English dusky a. Meaning ‫مٹیال‬ maTyaala Meanings of dusky in Urdu:- ‫مٹیال‬ maTyaala You have searched the English word “dusky” which means “‫مٹیال‬ maTyaala” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find words like…

  • dust



    You have searched the English word dust v.t which means ‫جھاڑنا‬ jhaaRna English dust v.t Meaning ‫جھاڑنا‬ jhaaRna Meanings of dust in Urdu:- ‫جھاڑنا‬ jhaaRna You have searched the English word “dust” which means “‫جھاڑنا‬ jhaaRna” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find words like…

  • dust



    You have searched the English word dust n. which means ‫دھول‬ dhuul English dust n. Meaning ‫دھول‬ dhuul ‫گرد‬ gard ‫غبار‬ GHubaar ‫خاک‬ KHaak ‫خاشاک‬ KHaaSHaak Meanings of dust in Urdu:- ‫دھول‬ dhuul You have searched the English word “dust” which means “‫دھول‬ dhuul” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French…

  • dust cloth



    You have searched the English word dust cloth n. which means ‫جھاڑن‬ jhaaRan English dust cloth n. Meaning ‫جھاڑن‬ jhaaRan ‫صافی‬ saafi Meanings of dust cloth in Urdu:- ‫جھاڑن‬ jhaaRan You have searched the English word “dust cloth” which means “‫جھاڑن‬ jhaaRan” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other…

  • durable



    You have searched the English word durable a. which means ‫دیر پا‬ deyr paa English durable a. Meaning ‫دیر پا‬ deyr paa ‫مضبوط‬ mazbuut ‫پائے دار‬ paa’ey daar ‫پکا‬ pakka ‫پختہ‬ puKHtah ‫قائم‬ qaa’em Meanings of durable in Urdu:- ‫دیر پا‬ deyr paa You have searched the English word “durable” which means “‫دیر پا‬ deyr…

  • durability



    You have searched the English word durability n. which means ‫پائے داری‬ paa’ey daari English durability n. Meaning ‫پائے داری‬ paa’ey daari ‫پختگی‬ puKHtagi ‫قیام‬ qayaam Meanings of durability in Urdu:- ‫پائے داری‬ paa’ey daari You have searched the English word “durability” which means “‫پائے داری‬ paa’ey daari” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu,…

  • dungeon



    You have searched the English word dungeon n. which means ‫محبس‬ maHbas English dungeon n. Meaning ‫محبس‬ maHbas Meanings of dungeon in Urdu:- ‫محبس‬ maHbas You have searched the English word “dungeon” which means “‫محبس‬ maHbas” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find words like…

  • dunghill



    You have searched the English word dunghill n. which means ‫ڈلؤ‬ Dalaa’o English dunghill n. Meaning ‫ڈلؤ‬ Dalaa’o Meanings of dunghill in Urdu:- ‫ڈلؤ‬ Dalaa’o You have searched the English word “dunghill” which means “‫ڈلؤ‬ Dalaa’o” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find words like…

  • dunk



    You have searched the English word dunk v.t. which means ‫بھگو کر کھانا‬ bhigo kar khaana English dunk v.t. Meaning ‫بھگو کر کھانا‬ bhigo kar khaana Meanings of dunk in Urdu:- ‫بھگو کر کھانا‬ bhigo kar khaana You have searched the English word “dunk” which means “‫بھگو کر کھانا‬ bhigo kar khaana” in Urdu and…

  • duo



    You have searched the English word duo n. which means ‫جوڑا‬ joRa English duo n. Meaning ‫جوڑا‬ joRa Meanings of duo in Urdu:- ‫جوڑا‬ joRa You have searched the English word “duo” which means “‫جوڑا‬ joRa” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find words like…

  • dupe



    You have searched the English word dupe v.t. which means ‫اندھا کرنا‬ añdha karna English dupe v.t. Meaning ‫اندھا کرنا‬ añdha karna ‫دھوکا دینا‬ dhoka deyna ‫سادہ لوح‬ saadah looH Meanings of dupe in Urdu:- ‫اندھا کرنا‬ añdha karna You have searched the English word “dupe” which means “‫اندھا کرنا‬ añdha karna” in Urdu and…

  • duplicate



    You have searched the English word duplicate v.t. which means ‫نقل کرنا‬ naql karna English duplicate v.t. Meaning ‫نقل کرنا‬ naql karna Meanings of duplicate in Urdu:- ‫نقل کرنا‬ naql karna You have searched the English word “duplicate” which means “‫نقل کرنا‬ naql karna” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French…

  • duplicate



    You have searched the English word duplicate a. which means ‫ہو بہو نقل‬ huu bahuu naql English duplicate a. Meaning ‫ہو بہو نقل‬ huu bahuu naql ‫مسننا‬ musañna Meanings of duplicate in Urdu:- ‫ہو بہو نقل‬ huu bahuu naql You have searched the English word “duplicate” which means “‫ہو بہو نقل‬ huu bahuu naql” in…

  • duplicate



    You have searched the English word duplicate n. which means ‫مسننا‬ musañna English duplicate n. Meaning ‫مسننا‬ musañna Meanings of duplicate in Urdu:- ‫مسننا‬ musañna You have searched the English word “duplicate” which means “‫مسننا‬ musañna” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find words like…

  • duplicity



    You have searched the English word duplicity n. which means ‫دغل فصل‬ daGHal fasal English duplicity n. Meaning ‫دغل فصل‬ daGHal fasal ‫دوغل پن‬ doGHla pan ‫دو رنگی‬ do rañgi ‫جل‬ jul ‫منافقت‬ munaafiqat Meanings of duplicity in Urdu:- ‫دغل فصل‬ daGHal fasal You have searched the English word “duplicity” which means “‫دغل فصل‬ daGHal…

  • duplictious



    You have searched the English word duplictious n. which means ‫جھوٹا‬ jhuuTa English duplictious n. Meaning ‫جھوٹا‬ jhuuTa ‫نامخلص‬ naa muKHlis ‫اوپری‬ uupri Meanings of duplictious in Urdu:- ‫جھوٹا‬ jhuuTa You have searched the English word “duplictious” which means “‫جھوٹا‬ jhuuTa” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages.…

  • dump



    You have searched the English word dump v.t. which means ‫ڈالنا‬ Daalna English dump v.t. Meaning ‫ڈالنا‬ Daalna ‫پھینکنا‬ pheyñkna Meanings of dump in Urdu:- ‫ڈالنا‬ Daalna You have searched the English word “dump” which means “‫ڈالنا‬ Daalna” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find…

  • dunce



    You have searched the English word dunce a. which means ‫غبی‬ GHabi English dunce a. Meaning ‫غبی‬ GHabi Meanings of dunce in Urdu:- ‫غبی‬ GHabi You have searched the English word “dunce” which means “‫غبی‬ GHabi” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find words like…

  • dung



    You have searched the English word dung n. which means ‫گوبر‬ gobar English dung n. Meaning ‫گوبر‬ gobar Meanings of dung in Urdu:- ‫گوبر‬ gobar You have searched the English word “dung” which means “‫گوبر‬ gobar” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find words like…

  • dungcake



    You have searched the English word dungcake n. which means ‫اوپلہ‬ uuplah English dungcake n. Meaning ‫اوپلہ‬ uuplah Meanings of dungcake in Urdu:- ‫اوپلہ‬ uuplah You have searched the English word “dungcake” which means “‫اوپلہ‬ uuplah” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find words like…

  • duel



    You have searched the English word duel n. which means ‫مجادلہ‬ mujaadilah English duel n. Meaning ‫مجادلہ‬ mujaadilah Meanings of duel in Urdu:- ‫مجادلہ‬ mujaadilah You have searched the English word “duel” which means “‫مجادلہ‬ mujaadilah” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find words like…

  • dull



    You have searched the English word dull a. which means ‫بے رنگ‬ bey rañg English dull a. Meaning ‫بے رنگ‬ bey rañg ‫بے وقوف‬ bey waquuf ‫دھندل‬ dhuñdla ‫ماند‬ maañd ‫ناسمجھ‬ naa samajh ‫ناشاد‬ naa SHaad ‫پھیکا‬ phiika ‫سرد‬ sard ‫سست‬ sust ‫اچاٹ‬ uchaaT Meanings of dull in Urdu:- ‫بے رنگ‬ bey rañg You have…

  • dull headed



    You have searched the English word dull headed a. which means ‫غبی‬ GHabi English dull headed a. Meaning ‫غبی‬ GHabi Meanings of dull headed in Urdu:- ‫غبی‬ GHabi You have searched the English word “dull headed” which means “‫غبی‬ GHabi” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You…

  • dumb



    You have searched the English word dumb a. which means ‫بے زبان‬ bey zabaan English dumb a. Meaning ‫بے زبان‬ bey zabaan ‫گونگا‬ guuñga Meanings of dumb in Urdu:- ‫بے زبان‬ bey zabaan You have searched the English word “dumb” which means “‫بے زبان‬ bey zabaan” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi,…

  • dumbfounded



    You have searched the English word dumbfounded a. which means ‫گھبرایا‬ ghabraaya English dumbfounded a. Meaning ‫گھبرایا‬ ghabraaya Meanings of dumbfounded in Urdu:- ‫گھبرایا‬ ghabraaya You have searched the English word “dumbfounded” which means “‫گھبرایا‬ ghabraaya” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find words like…

  • dumb struck



    You have searched the English word dumb struck a. which means ‫دم بخود‬ dam bah KHud English dumb struck a. Meaning ‫دم بخود‬ dam bah KHud Meanings of dumb struck in Urdu:- ‫دم بخود‬ dam bah KHud You have searched the English word “dumb struck” which means “‫دم بخود‬ dam bah KHud” in Urdu and…