Category: F

  • fuse



    You have searched the English word fuse n. which means ‫فلیتہ‬ faliitah English fuse n. Meaning ‫فلیتہ‬ faliitah Meanings of fuse in Urdu:- ‫فلیتہ‬ faliitah You have searched the English word “fuse” which means “‫فلیتہ‬ faliitah” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find words like…

  • fuss



    You have searched the English word fuss n. which means ‫شغب‬ SHaGHab English fuss n. Meaning ‫شغب‬ SHaGHab Meanings of fuss in Urdu:- ‫شغب‬ SHaGHab You have searched the English word “fuss” which means “‫شغب‬ SHaGHab” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find words like…

  • fusion



    You have searched the English word fusion n. which means ‫تاؤ‬ taa’o English fusion n. Meaning ‫تاؤ‬ taa’o Meanings of fusion in Urdu:- ‫تاؤ‬ taa’o You have searched the English word “fusion” which means “‫تاؤ‬ taa’o” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find words like…

  • futile



    You have searched the English word futile a. which means ‫عبث‬ âbas English futile a. Meaning ‫عبث‬ âbas ‫بے کار‬ bey kaar ‫سبک‬ subuk Meanings of futile in Urdu:- ‫عبث‬ âbas You have searched the English word “futile” which means “‫عبث‬ âbas” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other…

  • futility



    You have searched the English word futility n. which means ‫عبث‬ âbas English futility n. Meaning ‫عبث‬ âbas ‫بے فائدگی‬ bey faa’edagi Meanings of futility in Urdu:- ‫عبث‬ âbas You have searched the English word “futility” which means “‫عبث‬ âbas” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You…

  • future



    You have searched the English word future adv. which means ‫آخرت‬ aaKHirat English future adv. Meaning ‫آخرت‬ aaKHirat ‫آیندہ‬ aayañdah ‫مستقبل‬ mustaqbil Meanings of future in Urdu:- ‫آخرت‬ aaKHirat You have searched the English word “future” which means “‫آخرت‬ aaKHirat” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You…

  • (in)future



    You have searched the English word (in)future adv. which means ‫آیندہ‬ aayañdah English (in)future adv. Meaning ‫آیندہ‬ aayañdah ‫مستقبل میں‬ mustaqbil meyñ Meanings of (in)future in Urdu:- ‫آیندہ‬ aayañdah You have searched the English word “(in)future” which means “‫آیندہ‬ aayañdah” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You…

  • future life



    You have searched the English word future life n. which means ‫عاقبت‬ âaqibat English future life n. Meaning ‫عاقبت‬ âaqibat Meanings of future life in Urdu:- ‫عاقبت‬ âaqibat You have searched the English word “future life” which means “‫عاقبت‬ âaqibat” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You…

  • futurism



    You have searched the English word futurism n. which means ‫خیال پرستی‬ KHayaal parasti English futurism n. Meaning ‫خیال پرستی‬ KHayaal parasti Meanings of futurism in Urdu:- ‫خیال پرستی‬ KHayaal parasti You have searched the English word “futurism” which means “‫خیال پرستی‬ KHayaal parasti” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French…

  • futuristic



    You have searched the English word futuristic a. which means ‫پیش رو‬ peySH rau English futuristic a. Meaning ‫پیش رو‬ peySH rau Meanings of futuristic in Urdu:- ‫پیش رو‬ peySH rau You have searched the English word “futuristic” which means “‫پیش رو‬ peySH rau” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French…

  • fuzzy



    You have searched the English word fuzzy a. which means ‫دھندل‬ dhuñdla English fuzzy a. Meaning ‫دھندل‬ dhuñdla Meanings of fuzzy in Urdu:- ‫دھندل‬ dhuñdla You have searched the English word “fuzzy” which means “‫دھندل‬ dhuñdla” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find words like…

  • fy!



    You have searched the English word fy! intj. which means ‫چھی‬ chhii English fy! intj. Meaning ‫چھی‬ chhii Meanings of fy! in Urdu:- ‫چھی‬ chhii You have searched the English word “fy!” which means “‫چھی‬ chhii” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find words like…

  • furniture



    You have searched the English word furniture n. which means ‫اساس‬ asaas English furniture n. Meaning ‫اساس‬ asaas ‫سر و سامان‬ sar o saamaan Meanings of furniture in Urdu:- ‫اساس‬ asaas You have searched the English word “furniture” which means “‫اساس‬ asaas” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other…

  • further



    You have searched the English word further adv. which means ‫اگل‬ agla English further adv. Meaning ‫اگل‬ agla ‫دیگر‬ diigar ‫دوسرا‬ duusra ‫مزید‬ maziid ‫پرے‬ parey Meanings of further in Urdu:- ‫اگل‬ agla You have searched the English word “further” which means “‫اگل‬ agla” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French…

  • further away



    You have searched the English word further away adv. which means ‫ورا‬ waraa English further away adv. Meaning ‫ورا‬ waraa Meanings of further away in Urdu:- ‫ورا‬ waraa You have searched the English word “further away” which means “‫ورا‬ waraa” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You…

  • fury



    You have searched the English word fury n. which means ‫غصہ‬ GHussah English fury n. Meaning ‫غصہ‬ GHussah ‫حدت‬ Hiddat ‫جنون‬ junuun ‫خشم‬ KHaSHm ‫قہر‬ qahr ‫تیزی‬ teyzi Meanings of fury in Urdu:- ‫غصہ‬ GHussah You have searched the English word “fury” which means “‫غصہ‬ GHussah” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi,…

  • function



    You have searched the English word function n. which means ‫کام‬ kaam English function n. Meaning ‫کام‬ kaam ‫خدمت‬ KHidmat ‫وظیفہ‬ waziifah Meanings of function in Urdu:- ‫کام‬ kaam You have searched the English word “function” which means “‫کام‬ kaam” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You…

  • functionary



    You have searched the English word functionary n. which means ‫کار کن‬ kaar kun English functionary n. Meaning ‫کار کن‬ kaar kun Meanings of functionary in Urdu:- ‫کار کن‬ kaar kun You have searched the English word “functionary” which means “‫کار کن‬ kaar kun” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French…

  • fund



    You have searched the English word fund n. which means ‫مال‬ maal English fund n. Meaning ‫مال‬ maal ‫پونجی‬ puuñji Meanings of fund in Urdu:- ‫مال‬ maal You have searched the English word “fund” which means “‫مال‬ maal” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find…

  • fundamental



    You have searched the English word fundamental a. which means ‫اساسی‬ asaasi English fundamental a. Meaning ‫اساسی‬ asaasi ‫بنیادی‬ bunyaadi ‫ابتدائ‬ ibtidaa’i ‫ضروری‬ zaruuri Meanings of fundamental in Urdu:- ‫اساسی‬ asaasi You have searched the English word “fundamental” which means “‫اساسی‬ asaasi” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other…

  • funeral



    You have searched the English word funeral n. which means ‫جنازہ‬ janaazah English funeral n. Meaning ‫جنازہ‬ janaazah Meanings of funeral in Urdu:- ‫جنازہ‬ janaazah You have searched the English word “funeral” which means “‫جنازہ‬ janaazah” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find words like…

  • funnel



    You have searched the English word funnel n. which means ‫قیف‬ qiif English funnel n. Meaning ‫قیف‬ qiif Meanings of funnel in Urdu:- ‫قیف‬ qiif You have searched the English word “funnel” which means “‫قیف‬ qiif” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find words like…

  • funny



    You have searched the English word funny a. which means ‫مزاحیہ‬ mazaaHiyah English funny a. Meaning ‫مزاحیہ‬ mazaaHiyah Meanings of funny in Urdu:- ‫مزاحیہ‬ mazaaHiyah You have searched the English word “funny” which means “‫مزاحیہ‬ mazaaHiyah” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find words like…

  • fur



    You have searched the English word fur n. which means ‫پشم‬ paSHm English fur n. Meaning ‫پشم‬ paSHm ‫سمور‬ samuur Meanings of fur in Urdu:- ‫پشم‬ paSHm You have searched the English word “fur” which means “‫پشم‬ paSHm” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find…

  • fulminating



    You have searched the English word fulminating a. which means ‫آتش گیر‬ aatiSH giir English fulminating a. Meaning ‫آتش گیر‬ aatiSH giir ‫خاتف‬ KHaatif Meanings of fulminating in Urdu:- ‫آتش گیر‬ aatiSH giir You have searched the English word “fulminating” which means “‫آتش گیر‬ aatiSH giir” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi,…

  • furious



    You have searched the English word furious a. which means ‫غضب ناک‬ GHazab naak English furious a. Meaning ‫غضب ناک‬ GHazab naak ‫ژیان‬ Ziyaan Meanings of furious in Urdu:- ‫غضب ناک‬ GHazab naak You have searched the English word “furious” which means “‫غضب ناک‬ GHazab naak” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi,…

  • fulsome



    You have searched the English word fulsome a. which means ‫بے ہودہ‬ bey huudah English fulsome a. Meaning ‫بے ہودہ‬ bey huudah ‫ناپسند‬ naa pasañd ‫قے‬ ‫آور‬ qaey aawar Meanings of fulsome in Urdu:- ‫بے ہودہ‬ bey huudah You have searched the English word “fulsome” which means “‫بے ہودہ‬ bey huudah” in Urdu and multiple…

  • furnace



    You have searched the English word furnace n. which means ‫آتش کدہ‬ aatiSH kadah English furnace n. Meaning ‫آتش کدہ‬ aatiSH kadah ‫بھاڑ‬ bhaaR ‫بھٹی‬ bhaTTi Meanings of furnace in Urdu:- ‫آتش کدہ‬ aatiSH kadah You have searched the English word “furnace” which means “‫آتش کدہ‬ aatiSH kadah” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu,…

  • fumble



    You have searched the English word fumble v.i. which means ‫ادھر ادھر ہاتھ مارنا‬ idhar udhar haath maarna English fumble v.i. Meaning ‫ادھر ادھر ہاتھ مارنا‬ idhar udhar haath maarna ‫ٹولنا‬ TaTolna ‫ٹوہنا‬ Tohna Meanings of fumble in Urdu:- ‫ادھر ادھر ہاتھ مارنا‬ idhar udhar haath maarna You have searched the English word “fumble” which…

  • furnish



    You have searched the English word furnish v.t. which means ‫بہم پہنچانا‬ baehm pahoñchaana English furnish v.t. Meaning ‫بہم پہنچانا‬ baehm pahoñchaana Meanings of furnish in Urdu:- ‫بہم پہنچانا‬ baehm pahoñchaana You have searched the English word “furnish” which means “‫بہم پہنچانا‬ baehm pahoñchaana” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French…

  • fume



    You have searched the English word fume n. which means ‫بخار‬ buKHaar English fume n. Meaning ‫بخار‬ buKHaar ‫دھواںںں‬ dhoowan Meanings of fume in Urdu:- ‫بخار‬ buKHaar You have searched the English word “fume” which means “‫بخار‬ buKHaar” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find…

  • furlough



    You have searched the English word furlough n. which means ‫رخصت‬ ruKHsat English furlough n. Meaning ‫رخصت‬ ruKHsat Meanings of furlough in Urdu:- ‫رخصت‬ ruKHsat You have searched the English word “furlough” which means “‫رخصت‬ ruKHsat” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find words like…

  • fume



    You have searched the English word fume v.i. which means ‫بخار نکلنا‬ buKHaar nikalna English fume v.i. Meaning ‫بخار نکلنا‬ buKHaar nikalna Meanings of fume in Urdu:- ‫بخار نکلنا‬ buKHaar nikalna You have searched the English word “fume” which means “‫بخار نکلنا‬ buKHaar nikalna” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French…

  • fumigate



    You have searched the English word fumigate v.t. which means ‫دھونی دینا‬ dhuuni deyna English fumigate v.t. Meaning ‫دھونی دینا‬ dhuuni deyna ‫دھونی لینا‬ dhuuni leyna Meanings of fumigate in Urdu:- ‫دھونی دینا‬ dhuuni deyna You have searched the English word “fumigate” which means “‫دھونی دینا‬ dhuuni deyna” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu,…

  • fumigation



    You have searched the English word fumigation n. which means ‫دھونی‬ dhuuni English fumigation n. Meaning ‫دھونی‬ dhuuni Meanings of fumigation in Urdu:- ‫دھونی‬ dhuuni You have searched the English word “fumigation” which means “‫دھونی‬ dhuuni” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find words like…

  • fun



    You have searched the English word fun n. which means ‫بازیچہ‬ baazi chah English fun n. Meaning ‫بازیچہ‬ baazi chah ‫دل لگی‬ dil lagi ‫مزہ‬ mazah ‫مذاق‬ mazaaq ‫پھبتی‬ phabti ‫تماشہ‬ tamaaSHah ‫ٹھٹھول‬ ThaThol ‫ظرافت‬ zaraafat Meanings of fun in Urdu:- ‫بازیچہ‬ baazi chah You have searched the English word “fun” which means “‫بازیچہ‬ baazi…

  • full



    You have searched the English word full a. which means ‫بھرا ہوا‬ bhara hu’a English full a. Meaning ‫بھرا ہوا‬ bhara hu’a ‫لبالب‬ labaalab ‫لب ریز‬ lab reyz ‫مال مال‬ maala maal ‫پکا‬ pakka ‫پورا‬ puura ‫پر‬ pur Meanings of full in Urdu:- ‫بھرا ہوا‬ bhara hu’a You have searched the English word “full” which…

  • full to the brim



    You have searched the English word full to the brim a. which means ‫لبالب‬ labaalab English full to the brim a. Meaning ‫لبالب‬ labaalab Meanings of full to the brim in Urdu:- ‫لبالب‬ labaalab You have searched the English word “full to the brim” which means “‫لبالب‬ labaalab” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu,…

  • full moon



    You have searched the English word full moon n. which means ‫بدر‬ badr English full moon n. Meaning ‫بدر‬ badr Meanings of full moon in Urdu:- ‫بدر‬ badr You have searched the English word “full moon” which means “‫بدر‬ badr” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You…

  • fullness



    You have searched the English word fullness n. which means ‫بھر پوری‬ bhar puuri English fullness n. Meaning ‫بھر پوری‬ bhar puuri ‫سیری‬ seyri Meanings of fullness in Urdu:- ‫بھر پوری‬ bhar puuri You have searched the English word “fullness” which means “‫بھر پوری‬ bhar puuri” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi,…

  • fry



    You have searched the English word fry n. which means ‫بچے‬ bachchey English fry n. Meaning ‫بچے‬ bachchey ‫چھوٹی چھوٹی مچھلی‬ chhoTi chhoTi machhli Meanings of fry in Urdu:- ‫بچے‬ bachchey You have searched the English word “fry” which means “‫بچے‬ bachchey” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other…

  • full scale



    You have searched the English word full scale a. which means ‫بھر پور‬ bhar puur English full scale a. Meaning ‫بھر پور‬ bhar puur ‫ہمہ گیر‬ hamah giir ‫پوری‬ puuri Meanings of full scale in Urdu:- ‫بھر پور‬ bhar puur You have searched the English word “full scale” which means “‫بھر پور‬ bhar puur” in…

  • fuddy duddy



    You have searched the English word fuddy duddy a. which means ‫بد مزاج ‬ bad mizaaj English fuddy duddy a. Meaning ‫بد مزاج ‬ bad mizaaj ‫دقیانوسی‬ daqiyaanuusi ‫نک چڑھا‬ nak chaRha Meanings of fuddy duddy in Urdu:- ‫بد مزاج ‬ bad mizaaj You have searched the English word “fuddy duddy” which means “‫بد مزاج…

  • fully



    You have searched the English word fully adv. which means ‫بالکل‬ bilkul English fully adv. Meaning ‫بالکل‬ bilkul ‫پوست کندہ‬ post kañdah ً‫تماما‬ tamaaman Meanings of fully in Urdu:- ‫بالکل‬ bilkul You have searched the English word “fully” which means “‫بالکل‬ bilkul” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other…

  • fudge



    You have searched the English word fudge v.t. which means ‫بد دیانتی کرنا‬ bad diyaanti karna English fudge v.t. Meaning ‫بد دیانتی کرنا‬ bad diyaanti karna ‫دھوکا دینا‬ dhoka deyna ‫جل دینا‬ jul deyna ‫گھڑنا‬ ghaRna Meanings of fudge in Urdu:- ‫بد دیانتی کرنا‬ bad diyaanti karna You have searched the English word “fudge” which…

  • fulminate



    You have searched the English word fulminate v.i. which means ‫گرجنا‬ garajna English fulminate v.i. Meaning ‫گرجنا‬ garajna ‫کڑکنا‬ kaRakna Meanings of fulminate in Urdu:- ‫گرجنا‬ garajna You have searched the English word “fulminate” which means “‫گرجنا‬ garajna” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find…

  • fuel



    You have searched the English word fuel n. which means ‫ایندھن‬ iiñdhan English fuel n. Meaning ‫ایندھن‬ iiñdhan ‫تقویت‬ taqwiyat ‫ایندھن مہیا‬ ‫کرنا‬ iiñdhan muhaiyya karna Meanings of fuel in Urdu:- ‫ایندھن‬ iiñdhan You have searched the English word “fuel” which means “‫ایندھن‬ iiñdhan” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French…

  • fulminate



    You have searched the English word fulminate v.t. which means ‫دھماکا کرنا‬ dhmaaka karna English fulminate v.t. Meaning ‫دھماکا کرنا‬ dhmaaka karna ‫گرجانا‬ garjaana Meanings of fulminate in Urdu:- ‫دھماکا کرنا‬ dhmaaka karna You have searched the English word “fulminate” which means “‫دھماکا کرنا‬ dhmaaka karna” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi,…

  • fug



    You have searched the English word fug n. which means ‫گھٹن‬ ghuTan English fug n. Meaning ‫گھٹن‬ ghuTan ‫حبس‬ Habs Meanings of fug in Urdu:- ‫گھٹن‬ ghuTan You have searched the English word “fug” which means “‫گھٹن‬ ghuTan” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find…

  • fugitive



    You have searched the English word fugitive a. which means ‫بھگوڑا‬ bhagoRa English fugitive a. Meaning ‫بھگوڑا‬ bhagoRa ‫فراری‬ faraari ‫مفرور‬ mafruur Meanings of fugitive in Urdu:- ‫بھگوڑا‬ bhagoRa You have searched the English word “fugitive” which means “‫بھگوڑا‬ bhagoRa” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You…