Category: L
You have searched the English word lustre n. which means دمک damak English lustre n. Meaning دمک damak اشراق iSHraaq جلوہ jalwah جل jila جھلک jhalak جوت jot نور nuur پانی paani رونق raunaq شان و شوکت SHaan o SHaukat تابندگی taabiñdahgi Meanings of lustre in Urdu:- دمک damak You have searched the English word…
You have searched the English word lustre(gems) n. which means آب aab English lustre(gems) n. Meaning آب aab جل jila Meanings of lustre(gems) in Urdu:- آب aab You have searched the English word “lustre(gems)” which means “آب aab” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find…
You have searched the English word lustrous a. which means آب دار aab daar English lustrous a. Meaning آب دار aab daar چمکیل chamkiila روشن roSHan اجاگر ujaagar Meanings of lustrous in Urdu:- آب دار aab daar You have searched the English word “lustrous” which means “آب دار aab daar” in Urdu and multiple languages…
You have searched the English word lusty a. which means قوی qawi English lusty a. Meaning قوی qawi تندرست tan durust Meanings of lusty in Urdu:- قوی qawi You have searched the English word “lusty” which means “قوی qawi” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can…
You have searched the English word lute n. which means عود ôod English lute n. Meaning عود ôod چنگ chañg وینا viina Meanings of lute in Urdu:- عود ôod You have searched the English word “lute” which means “عود ôod” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You…
You have searched the English word luxuriant a. which means ہر بھرا har bhara English luxuriant a. Meaning ہر بھرا har bhara Meanings of luxuriant in Urdu:- ہر بھرا har bhara You have searched the English word “luxuriant” which means “ہر بھرا har bhara” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French…
You have searched the English word luxuriate n. which means عیش کرنا âeSH karna English luxuriate n. Meaning عیش کرنا âeSH karna Meanings of luxuriate in Urdu:- عیش کرنا âeSH karna You have searched the English word “luxuriate” which means “عیش کرنا âeSH karna” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French…
You have searched the English word luxurious a. which means عیاش âiyaaSH English luxurious a. Meaning عیاش âiyaaSH فراواں faraawaañ پرشوکت pur SHaukat ٹھاٹ کا ThaaT ka Meanings of luxurious in Urdu:- عیاش âiyaaSH You have searched the English word “luxurious” which means “عیاش âiyaaSH” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish,…
You have searched the English word luxury n. which means عیش âeSH English luxury n. Meaning عیش âeSH عیش و عشرت âeSH o îSHrat عیاشی âiyaaSHi تکلف takalluf Meanings of luxury in Urdu:- عیش âeSH You have searched the English word “luxury” which means “عیش âeSH” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi,…
You have searched the English word lynx n. which means سیاہ گوش siyaah goSH English lynx n. Meaning سیاہ گوش siyaah goSH Meanings of lynx in Urdu:- سیاہ گوش siyaah goSH You have searched the English word “lynx” which means “سیاہ گوش siyaah goSH” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French…
You have searched the English word lyre n. which means بربط bar bat English lyre n. Meaning بربط bar bat چنگ chañg Meanings of lyre in Urdu:- بربط bar bat You have searched the English word “lyre” which means “بربط bar bat” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other…
You have searched the English word lyrical a. which means غنائ GHinaa’i English lyrical a. Meaning غنائ GHinaa’i Meanings of lyrical in Urdu:- غنائ GHinaa’i You have searched the English word “lyrical” which means “غنائ GHinaa’i” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find words like…
You have searched the English word lush n. which means شربت SHarbat English lush n. Meaning شربت SHarbat Meanings of lush in Urdu:- شربت SHarbat You have searched the English word “lush” which means “شربت SHarbat” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find words like…
You have searched the English word lust n. which means آگ aag(fig.) English lust n. Meaning آگ aag(fig.) ہوس hawas جنسی بھوک jiñsi bhuuk اشتہا iSHteha جوش joSH لہکا laehka لت lat مستی masti شہوت SHaehwat Meanings of lust in Urdu:- آگ aag(fig.) You have searched the English word “lust” which means “آگ aag(fig.)” in…
You have searched the English word lustful a. which means مست mast English lustful a. Meaning مست mast شہوانی SHaehwaani Meanings of lustful in Urdu:- مست mast You have searched the English word “lustful” which means “مست mast” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find…
You have searched the English word lung n. which means پھیپھڑا pheyphRa English lung n. Meaning پھیپھڑا pheyphRa Meanings of lung in Urdu:- پھیپھڑا pheyphRa You have searched the English word “lung” which means “پھیپھڑا pheyphRa” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find words like…
You have searched the English word lunge v.t. which means لپک کر ڈھکیلنا lapak kar Dhakeylna English lunge v.t. Meaning لپک کر ڈھکیلنا lapak kar Dhakeylna Meanings of lunge in Urdu:- لپک کر ڈھکیلنا lapak kar Dhakeylna You have searched the English word “lunge” which means “لپک کر ڈھکیلنا lapak kar Dhakeylna” in Urdu and…
You have searched the English word lunt v.t. which means بھڑکانا bhaRkaana English lunt v.t. Meaning بھڑکانا bhaRkaana سلگانا sulgaana Meanings of lunt in Urdu:- بھڑکانا bhaRkaana You have searched the English word “lunt” which means “بھڑکانا bhaRkaana” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find…
You have searched the English word lunt v.i. which means بھڑک اٹھنا bhaRak uThna English lunt v.i. Meaning بھڑک اٹھنا bhaRak uThna Meanings of lunt in Urdu:- بھڑک اٹھنا bhaRak uThna You have searched the English word “lunt” which means “بھڑک اٹھنا bhaRak uThna” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French…
You have searched the English word lupine a. which means بھیڑیئے جیئسا bheyRiye jae’sa English lupine a. Meaning بھیڑیئے جیئسا bheyRiye jae’sa Meanings of lupine in Urdu:- بھیڑیئے جیئسا bheyRiye jae’sa You have searched the English word “lupine” which means “بھیڑیئے جیئسا bheyRiye jae’sa” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French…
You have searched the English word lurch n. which means حملہ کرنے کا انتظار Hamlah karney ka iñtezaar English lurch n. Meaning حملہ کرنے کا انتظار Hamlah karney ka iñtezaar Meanings of lurch in Urdu:- حملہ کرنے کا انتظار Hamlah karney ka iñtezaar You have searched the English word “lurch” which means “حملہ کرنے کا…
You have searched the English word lurch v.i. which means ہچکول کھانا hichkola khaana English lurch v.i. Meaning ہچکول کھانا hichkola khaana Meanings of lurch in Urdu:- ہچکول کھانا hichkola khaana You have searched the English word “lurch” which means “ہچکول کھانا hichkola khaana” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French…
You have searched the English word lurch n. which means ہچکول hichkola English lurch n. Meaning ہچکول hichkola Meanings of lurch in Urdu:- ہچکول hichkola You have searched the English word “lurch” which means “ہچکول hichkola” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find words like…
You have searched the English word lure n. which means بہلوا baehlawa English lure n. Meaning بہلوا baehlawa للچ laalach پھسلہٹ phuslaahaT طمع tama ترغیب tarGHiib Meanings of lure in Urdu:- بہلوا baehlawa You have searched the English word “lure” which means “بہلوا baehlawa” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French…
You have searched the English word lunch n. which means دو پہر کا کھانا do paher ka khaana English lunch n. Meaning دو پہر کا کھانا do paher ka khaana غذا GHiza کھانا khaana Meanings of lunch in Urdu:- دو پہر کا کھانا do paher ka khaana You have searched the English word “lunch” which…
You have searched the English word lurid a. which means بھیانک bhayaanak English lurid a. Meaning بھیانک bhayaanak ڈراؤنا Daraa’ona خوفناک KHauf naak Meanings of lurid in Urdu:- بھیانک bhayaanak You have searched the English word “lurid” which means “بھیانک bhayaanak” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages.…
You have searched the English word luncheon n. which means دو پہر کا کھانا do paher ka khaana English luncheon n. Meaning دو پہر کا کھانا do paher ka khaana Meanings of luncheon in Urdu:- دو پہر کا کھانا do paher ka khaana You have searched the English word “luncheon” which means “دو پہر کا…
You have searched the English word lurk v.i. which means گھات میں ہونا ghaat meyñ hona English lurk v.i. Meaning گھات میں ہونا ghaat meyñ hona Meanings of lurk in Urdu:- گھات میں ہونا ghaat meyñ hona You have searched the English word “lurk” which means “گھات میں ہونا ghaat meyñ hona” in Urdu and…
You have searched the English word lunch v.i. which means دو پہر کا کھانا کھانا do paher ka khaana khaana English lunch v.i. Meaning دو پہر کا کھانا کھانا do paher ka khaana khaana Meanings of lunch in Urdu:- دو پہر کا کھانا کھانا do paher ka khaana khaana You have searched the English word…
You have searched the English word luscious a. which means خوشگوار KHuSH gawaar English luscious a. Meaning خوشگوار KHuSH gawaar لذیذ laziiz شہوت انگیز SHaehwat añgeyz Meanings of luscious in Urdu:- خوشگوار KHuSH gawaar You have searched the English word “luscious” which means “خوشگوار KHuSH gawaar” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi,…
You have searched the English word lunchbreak n. which means دو پہر کا کھانے کی چھٹی do paher ka khaaney ki chhuTTi English lunchbreak n. Meaning دو پہر کا کھانے کی چھٹی do paher ka khaaney ki chhuTTi Meanings of lunchbreak in Urdu:- دو پہر کا کھانے کی چھٹی do paher ka khaaney ki chhuTTi…
You have searched the English word lush a. which means ہرا بھرا hara bhara English lush a. Meaning ہرا بھرا hara bhara رس بھرا ras bhara شاداب SHaadaab زرخیز zar KHeyz Meanings of lush in Urdu:- ہرا بھرا hara bhara You have searched the English word “lush” which means “ہرا بھرا hara bhara” in Urdu…
lunch hour
You have searched the English word lunch hour n. which means دو پہر کا کھانے کی چھٹی do paher ka khaaney ki chhuTTi English lunch hour n. Meaning دو پہر کا کھانے کی چھٹی do paher ka khaaney ki chhuTTi Meanings of lunch hour in Urdu:- دو پہر کا کھانے کی چھٹی do paher ka…
lunch time
You have searched the English word lunch time n. which means دو پہر کے کھانے کی چھٹی do paher kay khaaney ki chhuTTi English lunch time n. Meaning دو پہر کے کھانے کی چھٹی do paher kay khaaney ki chhuTTi Meanings of lunch time in Urdu:- دو پہر کے کھانے کی چھٹی do paher kay…
You have searched the English word lune n. which means چاند نما کوئ بھی چیز chaañd numa ko’i bhi chiiz English lune n. Meaning چاند نما کوئ بھی چیز chaañd numa ko’i bhi chiiz Meanings of lune in Urdu:- چاند نما کوئ بھی چیز chaañd numa ko’i bhi chiiz You have searched the English word…
You have searched the English word luminous a. which means چمکتا chamakta English luminous a. Meaning چمکتا chamakta فروزاں farozaañ ّنیر na’iyar نورانی nuuraani روشن roSHan اجاگر ujaagar Meanings of luminous in Urdu:- چمکتا chamakta You have searched the English word “luminous” which means “چمکتا chamakta” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi,…
You have searched the English word luminousness n. which means تابندگی taabiñdagi English luminousness n. Meaning تابندگی taabiñdagi Meanings of luminousness in Urdu:- تابندگی taabiñdagi You have searched the English word “luminousness” which means “تابندگی taabiñdagi” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find words like…
You have searched the English word lump v.t. which means اکٹھا کرنا ikaTTha karna English lump v.t. Meaning اکٹھا کرنا ikaTTha karna Meanings of lump in Urdu:- اکٹھا کرنا ikaTTha karna You have searched the English word “lump” which means “اکٹھا کرنا ikaTTha karna” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French…
You have searched the English word lump n. which means انبار añbaar English lump n. Meaning انبار añbaar ڈل Dala ڈلی Dali گمڑا gumRa پنڈا piñDa Meanings of lump in Urdu:- انبار añbaar You have searched the English word “lump” which means “انبار añbaar” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French…
You have searched the English word lunacy n. which means دیوانہ پن diiwaanh pan English lunacy n. Meaning دیوانہ پن diiwaanh pan جنون junuun خبط KHabt پاگل پن paagal pan سنک sanak Meanings of lunacy in Urdu:- دیوانہ پن diiwaanh pan You have searched the English word “lunacy” which means “دیوانہ پن diiwaanh pan” in…
You have searched the English word lug n. which means ڈنڈی DañDi English lug n. Meaning ڈنڈی DañDi کھمبا khamba چھل chhalla ہتھا hattha Meanings of lug in Urdu:- ڈنڈی DañDi You have searched the English word “lug” which means “ڈنڈی DañDi” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other…
You have searched the English word lunar a. which means چاند سے متعلق chaañd sey mutaalliq English lunar a. Meaning چاند سے متعلق chaañd sey mutaalliq قمری qamari Meanings of lunar in Urdu:- چاند سے متعلق chaañd sey mutaalliq You have searched the English word “lunar” which means “چاند سے متعلق chaañd sey mutaalliq” in…
You have searched the English word luggage n. which means مال maal English luggage n. Meaning مال maal سامان saamaan رخت raKHt Meanings of luggage in Urdu:- مال maal You have searched the English word “luggage” which means “مال maal” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You…
You have searched the English word lunatic a. which means دیوانہ diiwaanah English lunatic a. Meaning دیوانہ diiwaanah خبط KHabt جنونونی junuunoni Meanings of lunatic in Urdu:- دیوانہ diiwaanah You have searched the English word “lunatic” which means “دیوانہ diiwaanah” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You…
You have searched the English word lugubrious a. which means آزردہ aazurdah English lugubrious a. Meaning آزردہ aazurdah غمگین GHam giin اداس udaas Meanings of lugubrious in Urdu:- آزردہ aazurdah You have searched the English word “lugubrious” which means “آزردہ aazurdah” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages.…
You have searched the English word lunatic n. which means دیوانہ diiwaanah English lunatic n. Meaning دیوانہ diiwaanah خبطی KHabti مجنون majnuuñ Meanings of lunatic in Urdu:- دیوانہ diiwaanah You have searched the English word “lunatic” which means “دیوانہ diiwaanah” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You…
You have searched the English word lukewarm a. which means بے دل bey dil English lukewarm a. Meaning بے دل bey dil کن کنا kun kuna نیم گرم niim garm سرد مہر sard mehr شیر گرم SHiir garm Meanings of lukewarm in Urdu:- بے دل bey dil You have searched the English word “lukewarm” which…
lunatic asylum
You have searched the English word lunatic asylum n. which means پاگل خانہ paagal KHaanah English lunatic asylum n. Meaning پاگل خانہ paagal KHaanah Meanings of lunatic asylum in Urdu:- پاگل خانہ paagal KHaanah You have searched the English word “lunatic asylum” which means “پاگل خانہ paagal KHaanah” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu,…
You have searched the English word lull v.t. which means ڈھارس دینا Dhaaras deyna English lull v.t. Meaning ڈھارس دینا Dhaaras deyna دل بہلنا dil baehlaana تھپ تھپانا thap thapaana Meanings of lull in Urdu:- ڈھارس دینا Dhaaras deyna You have searched the English word “lull” which means “ڈھارس دینا Dhaaras deyna” in Urdu and…