Category: M
You have searched the English word mythical a. which means فرضی farzi English mythical a. Meaning فرضی farzi خیالی KHayaali من گھڑت man ghaRat Meanings of mythical in Urdu:- فرضی farzi You have searched the English word “mythical” which means “فرضی farzi” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other…
You have searched the English word mythological a. which means اساتیری asaatiiri English mythological a. Meaning اساتیری asaatiiri Meanings of mythological in Urdu:- اساتیری asaatiiri You have searched the English word “mythological” which means “اساتیری asaatiiri” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find words like…
You have searched the English word mythology n. which means اساتیر asaatiir English mythology n. Meaning اساتیر asaatiir Meanings of mythology in Urdu:- اساتیر asaatiir You have searched the English word “mythology” which means “اساتیر asaatiir” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find words like…
You have searched the English word mutuality n. which means با ہمیت baa hamiyat English mutuality n. Meaning با ہمیت baa hamiyat Meanings of mutuality in Urdu:- با ہمیت baa hamiyat You have searched the English word “mutuality” which means “با ہمیت baa hamiyat” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French…
You have searched the English word my pron. which means میرا meyra English my pron. Meaning میرا meyra میرے meyrey Meanings of my in Urdu:- میرا meyra You have searched the English word “my” which means “میرا meyra” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find…
You have searched the English word myrobalan n. which means آملہ aamlah English myrobalan n. Meaning آملہ aamlah آونلہ aaoñlah Meanings of myrobalan in Urdu:- آملہ aamlah You have searched the English word “myrobalan” which means “آملہ aamlah” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find…
You have searched the English word myself pron. which means میں ہی maeñ hi English myself pron. Meaning میں ہی maeñ hi میں خود maeñ KHud Meanings of myself in Urdu:- میں ہی maeñ hi You have searched the English word “myself” which means “میں ہی maeñ hi” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu,…
You have searched the English word mysterious a. which means پوشیدہ poSHiidah English mysterious a. Meaning پوشیدہ poSHiidah پراسرار pur israar Meanings of mysterious in Urdu:- پوشیدہ poSHiidah You have searched the English word “mysterious” which means “پوشیدہ poSHiidah” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can…
You have searched the English word mysteriously adv. which means پراسرار طریقے سے pur israar tariiqey sey English mysteriously adv. Meaning پراسرار طریقے سے pur israar tariiqey sey Meanings of mysteriously in Urdu:- پراسرار طریقے سے pur israar tariiqey sey You have searched the English word “mysteriously” which means “پراسرار طریقے سے pur israar tariiqey…
You have searched the English word mystery n. which means بھید bheyd English mystery n. Meaning بھید bheyd راز raaz عقدہ ûqdah Meanings of mystery in Urdu:- بھید bheyd You have searched the English word “mystery” which means “بھید bheyd” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You…
You have searched the English word mystic n. which means باطنی baatini English mystic n. Meaning باطنی baatini سوفی suufi Meanings of mystic in Urdu:- باطنی baatini You have searched the English word “mystic” which means “باطنی baatini” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find…
You have searched the English word mysticism n. which means طریقت tariiqat English mysticism n. Meaning طریقت tariiqat تصوف tasawwuf Meanings of mysticism in Urdu:- طریقت tariiqat You have searched the English word “mysticism” which means “طریقت tariiqat” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find…
You have searched the English word myth n. which means اساتیر asaatiir English myth n. Meaning اساتیر asaatiir Meanings of myth in Urdu:- اساتیر asaatiir You have searched the English word “myth” which means “اساتیر asaatiir” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find words like…
You have searched the English word mutilation n. which means کانٹ چھانٹ kaañT chhaañT English mutilation n. Meaning کانٹ چھانٹ kaañT chhaañT Meanings of mutilation in Urdu:- کانٹ چھانٹ kaañT chhaañT You have searched the English word “mutilation” which means “کانٹ چھانٹ kaañT chhaañT” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French…
You have searched the English word mutiny n. which means آشوب aaSHob English mutiny n. Meaning آشوب aaSHob بغاوت baGHaawat فتنہ fitnah غدر GHadar Meanings of mutiny in Urdu:- آشوب aaSHob You have searched the English word “mutiny” which means “آشوب aaSHob” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other…
You have searched the English word musician n. which means موسیقیار mausiiqaar English musician n. Meaning موسیقیار mausiiqaar Meanings of musician in Urdu:- موسیقیار mausiiqaar You have searched the English word “musician” which means “موسیقیار mausiiqaar” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find words like…
You have searched the English word mutinous a. which means باغیانہ baaGHiyaanah English mutinous a. Meaning باغیانہ baaGHiyaanah سرکشانہ sar kaSHaanah Meanings of mutinous in Urdu:- باغیانہ baaGHiyaanah You have searched the English word “mutinous” which means “باغیانہ baaGHiyaanah” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can…
You have searched the English word musicologist n. which means موسیقی دان mausiiqi daan English musicologist n. Meaning موسیقی دان mausiiqi daan Meanings of musicologist in Urdu:- موسیقی دان mausiiqi daan You have searched the English word “musicologist” which means “موسیقی دان mausiiqi daan” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French…
You have searched the English word mutt n. which means بے وقوف bey waquuf English mutt n. Meaning بے وقوف bey waquuf دوغل کتا doGHla kutta کند ذہن kuñd zehen Meanings of mutt in Urdu:- بے وقوف bey waquuf You have searched the English word “mutt” which means “بے وقوف bey waquuf” in Urdu and…
You have searched the English word muskmelon n. which means خر بوزہ KHar buuzah English muskmelon n. Meaning خر بوزہ KHar buuzah Meanings of muskmelon in Urdu:- خر بوزہ KHar buuzah You have searched the English word “muskmelon” which means “خر بوزہ KHar buuzah” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French…
You have searched the English word muttering n. which means بڑبڑاہٹ buR buRaahaT English muttering n. Meaning بڑبڑاہٹ buR buRaahaT Meanings of muttering in Urdu:- بڑبڑاہٹ buR buRaahaT You have searched the English word “muttering” which means “بڑبڑاہٹ buR buRaahaT” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You…
musk rat
You have searched the English word musk rat n. which means چھچھوندر chhachhuuñdar English musk rat n. Meaning چھچھوندر chhachhuuñdar Meanings of musk rat in Urdu:- چھچھوندر chhachhuuñdar You have searched the English word “musk rat” which means “چھچھوندر chhachhuuñdar” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You…
You have searched the English word mutual a. which means آپس کا aapas ka English mutual a. Meaning آپس کا aapas ka با ہمی baa hami Meanings of mutual in Urdu:- آپس کا aapas ka You have searched the English word “mutual” which means “آپس کا aapas ka” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu,…
You have searched the English word muslin n. which means ململ malmal English muslin n. Meaning ململ malmal Meanings of muslin in Urdu:- ململ malmal You have searched the English word “muslin” which means “ململ malmal” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find words like…
You have searched the English word must aux.v. which means چاہئے chaah’iey English must aux.v. Meaning چاہئے chaah’iey Meanings of must in Urdu:- چاہئے chaah’iey You have searched the English word “must” which means “چاہئے chaah’iey” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find words like…
You have searched the English word mustard n. which means رائ raa’i English mustard n. Meaning رائ raa’i سرسوں sarsoñ Meanings of mustard in Urdu:- رائ raa’i You have searched the English word “mustard” which means “رائ raa’i” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find…
mustard oil
You have searched the English word mustard oil n. which means کڑوا تیل kaRwa teyl English mustard oil n. Meaning کڑوا تیل kaRwa teyl سرسوں کا تیل sarsoñ ka teyl Meanings of mustard oil in Urdu:- کڑوا تیل kaRwa teyl You have searched the English word “mustard oil” which means “کڑوا تیل kaRwa teyl” in…
You have searched the English word muster n. which means دفتر daftar English muster n. Meaning دفتر daftar جائزہ jaa’ezah مجمع majma مظاہرہ muzaaherah Meanings of muster in Urdu:- دفتر daftar You have searched the English word “muster” which means “دفتر daftar” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other…
You have searched the English word muster v.t. which means اکٹھا کرنا ikaTTha karna English muster v.t. Meaning اکٹھا کرنا ikaTTha karna پکارنا pukaarna Meanings of muster in Urdu:- اکٹھا کرنا ikaTTha karna You have searched the English word “muster” which means “اکٹھا کرنا ikaTTha karna” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi,…
You have searched the English word mutation n. which means انقلب نوعی iñqilaab e naui English mutation n. Meaning انقلب نوعی iñqilaab e naui Meanings of mutation in Urdu:- انقلب نوعی iñqilaab e naui You have searched the English word “mutation” which means “انقلب نوعی iñqilaab e naui” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu,…
You have searched the English word mute a. which means ساکت saakit English mute a. Meaning ساکت saakit Meanings of mute in Urdu:- ساکت saakit You have searched the English word “mute” which means “ساکت saakit” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find words like…
You have searched the English word mutilate v.t. which means کاٹنا kaaTna English mutilate v.t. Meaning کاٹنا kaaTna مسخ کرنا masKH karna Meanings of mutilate in Urdu:- کاٹنا kaaTna You have searched the English word “mutilate” which means “کاٹنا kaaTna” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You…
You have searched the English word mutilated a. which means مسخ شدہ masKH SHudah English mutilated a. Meaning مسخ شدہ masKH SHudah Meanings of mutilated in Urdu:- مسخ شدہ masKH SHudah You have searched the English word “mutilated” which means “مسخ شدہ masKH SHudah” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French…
You have searched the English word murderess n. which means قاتلہ qaatilah English murderess n. Meaning قاتلہ qaatilah Meanings of murderess in Urdu:- قاتلہ qaatilah You have searched the English word “murderess” which means “قاتلہ qaatilah” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find words like…
musical instrument
You have searched the English word musical instrument n. which means ساز saaz English musical instrument n. Meaning ساز saaz Meanings of musical instrument in Urdu:- ساز saaz You have searched the English word “musical instrument” which means “ساز saaz” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You…
You have searched the English word murderous a. which means قاتلنہ qaatil aanah English murderous a. Meaning قاتلنہ qaatil aanah Meanings of murderous in Urdu:- قاتلنہ qaatil aanah You have searched the English word “murderous” which means “قاتلنہ qaatil aanah” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You…
musical note
You have searched the English word musical note n. which means نغمہ naGHmah English musical note n. Meaning نغمہ naGHmah سارنگ saarañg Meanings of musical note in Urdu:- نغمہ naGHmah You have searched the English word “musical note” which means “نغمہ naGHmah” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other…
You have searched the English word mure v.t. which means بند کرنا bañd karna English mure v.t. Meaning بند کرنا bañd karna قید کرنا qaed karna Meanings of mure in Urdu:- بند کرنا bañd karna You have searched the English word “mure” which means “بند کرنا bañd karna” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu,…
You have searched the English word murk n. which means اندھیرا añdheyra English murk n. Meaning اندھیرا añdheyra دھندھلہٹ dhuñdhlaahaT Meanings of murk in Urdu:- اندھیرا añdheyra You have searched the English word “murk” which means “اندھیرا añdheyra” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find…
You have searched the English word murmur v.i. which means کڑ کڑانا kuR kuRaana English murmur v.i. Meaning کڑ کڑانا kuR kuRaana Meanings of murmur in Urdu:- کڑ کڑانا kuR kuRaana You have searched the English word “murmur” which means “کڑ کڑانا kuR kuRaana” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French…
You have searched the English word murmur n. which means بڑبڑاہٹ buR buRaahaT English murmur n. Meaning بڑبڑاہٹ buR buRaahaT سرسراہٹ sar saraahaT Meanings of murmur in Urdu:- بڑبڑاہٹ buR buRaahaT You have searched the English word “murmur” which means “بڑبڑاہٹ buR buRaahaT” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and…
You have searched the English word muscle n. which means پٹھوا puTTha English muscle n. Meaning پٹھوا puTTha Meanings of muscle in Urdu:- پٹھوا puTTha You have searched the English word “muscle” which means “پٹھوا puTTha” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find words like…
You have searched the English word muscular a. which means مچھلی دار machhli daar English muscular a. Meaning مچھلی دار machhli daar پٹھوے دار puTThey daar Meanings of muscular in Urdu:- مچھلی دار machhli daar You have searched the English word “muscular” which means “مچھلی دار machhli daar” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu,…
You have searched the English word museum n. which means عجائب خانہ âjaa’eb KHaanah English museum n. Meaning عجائب خانہ âjaa’eb KHaanah Meanings of museum in Urdu:- عجائب خانہ âjaa’eb KHaanah You have searched the English word “museum” which means “عجائب خانہ âjaa’eb KHaanah” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French…
You have searched the English word mush n. which means دلیہ dalya English mush n. Meaning دلیہ dalya نرم گودا narm guuda Meanings of mush in Urdu:- دلیہ dalya You have searched the English word “mush” which means “دلیہ dalya” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You…
You have searched the English word mush v.i. which means پیدل سفر کرنا paedal safar karna English mush v.i. Meaning پیدل سفر کرنا paedal safar karna Meanings of mush in Urdu:- پیدل سفر کرنا paedal safar karna You have searched the English word “mush” which means “پیدل سفر کرنا paedal safar karna” in Urdu and…
You have searched the English word mushy a. which means گاڑھا gaaRha English mushy a. Meaning گاڑھا gaaRha گودے وال guudey waala ناتواں جذباتی naatawaañ jazbaati نرم narm Meanings of mushy in Urdu:- گاڑھا gaaRha You have searched the English word “mushy” which means “گاڑھا gaaRha” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi,…
You have searched the English word mushiness n. which means جذباتیت jazbaatiyat English mushiness n. Meaning جذباتیت jazbaatiyat گاڑھا پن gaaRha pan نرمی narmi Meanings of mushiness in Urdu:- جذباتیت jazbaatiyat You have searched the English word “mushiness” which means “جذباتیت jazbaatiyat” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other…
You have searched the English word music n. which means گانا gaana English music n. Meaning گانا gaana موسیقی mausiiqi Meanings of music in Urdu:- گانا gaana You have searched the English word “music” which means “گانا gaana” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You can find…
You have searched the English word murdered a. which means قتیل qatiil English murdered a. Meaning قتیل qatiil قتل شدہ qatl SHudah Meanings of murdered in Urdu:- قتیل qatiil You have searched the English word “murdered” which means “قتیل qatiil” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French and other languages. You…