
You have searched the English word counsel v.t. which means ‫صلح دینا‬ salaaH deyna English counsel v.t. Meaning ‫صلح دینا‬ salaaH deyna Meanings of counsel in Urdu:- ‫صلح دینا‬ salaaH deyna You have searched the English word “counsel” which means “‫صلح دینا‬ salaaH deyna” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French […]


You have searched the English word counsel v.i. which means ‫صلح کرنا‬ salaaH karna English counsel v.i. Meaning ‫صلح کرنا‬ salaaH karna Meanings of counsel in Urdu:- ‫صلح کرنا‬ salaaH karna You have searched the English word “counsel” which means “‫صلح کرنا‬ salaaH karna” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, French […]


You have searched the English word counsel n. which means ‫فکر‬ fikr English counsel n. Meaning ‫فکر‬ fikr ‫مشورہ‬ maSHwirah ‫مشاورت‬ muSHaawirat ‫نصیحت‬ nasiiHat ‫پند‬ pañd ‫رائے‬ raa’ey ‫صلح‬ salaaH Meanings of counsel in Urdu:- ‫فکر‬ fikr You have searched the English word “counsel” which means “‫فکر‬ fikr” in Urdu and multiple languages like Urdu, […]